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There’s a fine line between sharing your accomplishments with your boss and being a Braggy McBraggerson. In this episode, Angee shares a few tips on documenting your wins and sharing them both in real time and in a more formal/planned way.

It pays to be sure your boss knows what you’re doing. That could be done by shooting off a quick note to give a heads up for a big win to be discussed in the next one-on one meeting. It could also be achieved by creating a monthly report of your accomplishments as they relate to organizational goals. Remember, everyone (including your boss) is busy managing their own job and may not always have visibility to those accomplishments worth sharing.

This episode offers a few things you can do weekly, monthly and quarterly to make sure your wins don’t go unnoticed – and it’s definitely worth adding to your career action plan. Find that here.


Dare to be Deliberate: Level Up Your Communication Career is available here on Amazon