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Dare to be Deliberate PodcastPodcasts

Short: Don’t Let Your Wins Go Unnoticed

There's a fine line between sharing your accomplishments with your boss and being a Braggy McBraggerson. In this episode, Angee shares a few tips on documenting your wins and sharing them both in real time and in a more formal/planned…
Angee Linsey
August 7, 2019
Dare to be Deliberate PodcastPodcasts

Short: Helping Others Help You

 "Hey -- I'm on the market for a new job. If you hear of something, let me know!" This is a common approach to networking when in job search. It's easy to get focused on the tactical conversation of…
Angee Linsey
June 26, 2019
Lindsey Careers PodcastPodcasts

Announcing a Change

Listen In has always been about career related matters to help professionals in this field be more intentional in how they manage their careers. After writing her book, Dare to be Deliberate - Level Up Your Communications Career, Angee is…
Angee Linsey
June 17, 2019

Do you hire for resilience?

re·sil·ience(rəˈzilyəns)/noun The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness “Given how important resilience is, it's surprising we don't hire for it,” Seth Godin so wisely stated in a recent blog post. And that got me thinking, this isn’t a characteristic…
Angee Linsey
March 2, 2016